Sunday, August 24, 2008

Coming around the first bend

I can see the first hurdle in sight - the baseline.  It's scheduled for Monday morning.  It's kinda funny, but my first IVF cycle baseline was the last Monday of the month too.  I wasn't surprised about starting on Saturday since AF likes to come on the weekends not during normal business hours.  

Last cycle I started my stims on the day of my baseline, and I'm expecting to do the same.  I knew I should've run out to the pharmacy on Friday, but I had painters at my house until 4pm and things just seemed kinda hectic.  Here's hoping that the pharmacy (which of course is closed Sat & Sun) has Follistim on hand and I won't be on some wild goose chase all around Southern California looking for drugs!  Well, I guess there is always Mexico right?  At least I have all my other pills ready to go.

My husband said something interesting this morning.  I took some cuttings from a few succulents around our yard and placed them in small pots so I can keep a close eye on them.  This morning I pointed this out to him and he was like, "you've got quite a little nursery going there".   This side comment, one I'm not sure he connected to our IF issues, made me feel a little sad and it bothered me.  In the last few days, especially as my cycle is beginning, I've been thinking a lot about the power of being positive.   Being sad will not help my positiveness.  IF aside, I will always be nurturing.  I'm a teacher, gardener and animal lover, it's in my nature to care for things and nothing can change that.


Joy said...

I am with you, I am a nurturer also. I love to have plants around and flowers in the garden. I was able to get a rose bush to grow from a cutting, I never thought it would work, but it did. I don't have a green thumb, but I am working on it. My dh is unaware, but if my IVF round fails again, I will be getting a new puppy or kitten, first chance I get, adding to our two existing furkids.

Best wishes for your upcoming cycle!

celestial said...

Hey I'm getting a puppy too! Bringing him home from my mom's house this coming weekend. I am for sure an animal and plant lover as you, however...the plants don't always make it which is kinda sad because I try really hard. I think I love(water & sun) them to death. I will be praying you have a baby to nuture soon as well as the other things you love :)