Saturday, May 9, 2009

Feet Up

Books, movies, sleep, magazines, food, water, phone.  OK that is what I'm seeing from my perch right now and very grateful that my bedrest is happening over the w.e. b/c right now my dh is making me breakfast.  

My other transfers took place in the same rooms that I would get my ultrasounds in, but yesterday they took us into the part of the building I thought was reserved for retrievals and other surgeries.  For one horrific moment as we walked the same hallway I did 3 days prior I thought they made a mistake and thought I was there for an ER!  But, we passed the prep rooms without even a pause.  Where we ended up surprised me even more.  We went to a room labeled "Minor Surgery" and soon found out that it is right next door to where the embryo lab is.  When they opened the door, we even got a peek into the lab.  On other occasions the embryologist has to quickly walk the hallways of the building with our embies in a catheter (I'm sure hoping not to drop it or bump into anyone) to get to the exam room were in.  But this time, he only needed to pass through one door, he was there in a flash with the 3 embryos we choose to transfer. 

Of the five, 2 were at 8 cell and rated as good.  The rest were fair at 6 cel.  So, right now I am sitting here with my feet up cradling my two 8-celled and one 6-celled embryos.

Let the two week wait begin.


My Endo Journey said...

Hoping the best for your two week wait!!!!

JJ said...

Ahhh, the 2ww. Sounds like you are very relaxed and prepared to take it easy this weekend! Let me know if you need any distractions!

Hoping with all hope that those 2 lovely embryos are making themselves at home!

Mo said...

good luck! just catching up with you. i hear you through and through about the fatigue of people saying "it only takes one!" am hoping our two that fertilized will look as good as your three. see, can you believe that you're giving someone else hope in this crazy process?!

Rho said...

I came over from cycle sista, good luck! Sounds like we are on a pretty close schedule, I will be crossing my fingers for you!

Anonymous said...

PUPO - glad you are able to take it easy. Sending good thoughts to your 3 possibilities!

Evergreen said...

Yay! Congratulations on the transfer! And you sound so much better emotionally. I hope those babies snuggle in tight!

Anonymous said...

Sendiny sticky-embie vibes your way!!

Megan said...

Congratulations!!! Best of luck.

Peaches said...

Wishing you the best in the 2ww! Hoping that your excellent job of cradling helps those lil embies to snuggle right in :)

BB said...

I just wanted to wish you good luck with your cycle! Fingers crossed for you!