Tuesday, July 29, 2008

First Poke

Yesterday was the first poke of my next ivf cycle.  My day 3 FSH blood test. I'm sorry to say that nothing funny or out of the ordinary happened - bummer. I was hoping to write something interesting.  On the other hand, I should probably be grateful that nothing bad happened. Which seems par for course, but for this cycle I am going to try to remain as positive as (insert most optimistic person you know).

A little info...I won't actually be starting stims until next month.  Since I have high blood pressure and have bad reactions to bcp's my down regulation protocol consists of taking estrace (estradiol) for a week leading up to my period.  Then I start stims around day 3.  My periods used to be right on schedule - 28 day girl.  Only now with dhea I seem to be a few days off (longer) so I can't pinpoint exactly when I should start, but it seems like AF might be Aug 24th therefore estrace around the 17th.  Great so looking forward to taking more steroids!


poppy.f.seed said...

good luck with this next cycle. It is good they are making a protocol for you.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on getting started....first step done!

Paula Keller said...

Awww... that's just around the corner!

Good luck!

Evergreen said...

I found your blog via ms. poppy (forcing seeds). Exciting to get started on your new cycle - I wish you much luck and peace of mind.

Regarding your earlier post -- haven't read any of those IF books, but I did post the other book entry on my blog!

Rho said...

good luck with this cycle. I have HBP too and had one of the RE's (a sub while my regular was on vacation) stop my stimming mid-way through because of it. I am glad they have a protocol together that will account for it.

Kelly said...

Yay for your first poke! It's exciting to take that first step and be on the road to ivf land! Keep us posted and good luck! :)