During the day I think my mind is busy enough not to get too bogged down on the worry of everything being a crap shoot, actually I've been quite happy these days. But, at night while staring at the ceiling watching the clock advance minute by excruciatingly slow minute my mind is free to ponder all the "what ifs" and "how comes" and "why me's?"
Oh well, I need to deal with it so I can get back to sleep! Working on it. Today is 7dp5dt and other than the typical (aka try not to analyze them) PIO symptoms I get (feeling like period, tender tatas) all is well that will hopefully end well.
Hang in there. Thinking of you.
My first IVF the nighttime anxiety was awful. Ugh. By IVF 2(after transfer 3) I was so convinced it wouldn't work that I slept ok(and the anjo cd helped)
I am hope, hope hoping for you!!!
I hope to hear good news from you soon! Just curious...what were your E2 levels on the last day they checked them before ER? Thanks for the yoga tip!
Hmmm, interesting to hear that your RE thinks your E2 levels get too high on a fresh cycle. Mine were over 5000 and the dr. has never mentioned that that might affect egg/lining quality.
Can't wait to hear what happens Monday!
It's so hard not to worry and the nights are the worst. Hoping you get some sleep soon. ((((hugs)))
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