Sunday, August 2, 2009

Egg Report

Saturday's retrieval went well, I had the other RE at my clinic doing the procedure.  I really like him and during check-in he told us that he was going to carefully probe each follicle and let's call him Dr. Meticulous.  He took out 39 eggs, and let's just say I am still in bed with my feet up feeling very tender.  This is the first retrieval I've had to take vicodin for the pain.   

As for the report, 24 mature and 18 fertilized!  Best fertilization rate (75%) we've ever gotten, our last best cycle 62% of the mature eggs took the ICSI bait.  I'll get another call tomorrow with numbers of how many are still dividing and their quality.  Fingers, toes & maybe even my ovaries are crossed!


Megan said...

Holy cow girl! That's awsome!! I hope they all divide and divide and divide!!! Good luck!

Evergreen said...

Awesome! I'm sure you ARE sore with Dr. Meticulous on the job! I'm sending your eggies dividing thoughts!

Flower said...


That is awesome. Praying that you get your BFP soon and have plenty to freeze.

Joy said...

Oh my goodness! Keeping everything crossed along with you. I'll be thinking of you. Take care of yourself.

Tara said...

That's a great fert report! Good luck, hope they keep dividing and dividing and dividing, and multiplying in quality!

poppy.f.seed said...

wowee zowee is that a lot of eggs!
I hope you get great growth reports, and heal really quickly.